Why Proper Hydration Is Essential to Employee Productivity

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Why Proper Hydration Is Essential to Employee Productivity

Hydration and Employee Productivity

While we often talk about the importance of keeping our bodies hydrated and how that can help us feel and perform better, we often neglect how crucial hydration is at the workplace. Is it true that something as simple and basic as drinking water, more specifically, proper hydration, can be the answer to boosting employee productivity? The simple answer is — yes! The longer answer is below.


Dehydration Impairs Physical and Mental Performance

Nearly 73% of the human brain is made up of water. Therefore, it is not surprising that dehydration can have a significant impact on your mind. Even a 1% of body water loss can lead your employees to begin experiencing discomfort — slower reaction times, decreased cognitive abilities, and reduced alertness and concentration.

drinking water

Almost 80% of employees stay dehydrated throughout the workday. When people are confined to their desks and do not have the habit of drinking water regularly, they experience signs of dehydration. These include:

  • Headache
  • Dry eyes
  • Lightheadedness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Brain fog
  • Joint pain


While many people experience these symptoms, they rarely realize the reason behind them. For example, a 3% dehydration can slow a person’s reaction time to the same degree that a 0.08% blood alcohol content (BAC) would. At 0.08 BAC, you are five times more likely to get into an auto accident. Imagine what that could do to your employees at work.


The solution is to provide them with access to clean drinking water. Since the tap water quality in California is questionable, the safest choice is to install an office water filtration system and encourage employees to stay hydrated.

Science Agrees – Proper Hydration Increases Employee Productivity

And while most employers overlook the essential aspect of keeping their employees hydrated and what that means for boosting workplace productivity, research on the topic is solid. A 2013 study by the University of East London found that water consumption positively influences visual attention and leads to a 14% increase in worker productivity.

That is not all.

According to a 2019 study by the National Library of Medicine, staying hydrated is directly linked to improved performance on tasks involving decision-making and cognitive judgment. The study found that for the body to maintain peak levels of productivity, it needs to stay fully hydrated. What is more:

  • Just a 1% drop in hydration could lead to a 12% drop in productivity
  • A 3% to 4% drop in hydration could lead to a 25% to 50% drop in productivity


Have You Considered Getting an Office Water Filtration System?

If you have not, you should. Investing in an office water filtration system will also show you care about the team’s health and boost employee productivity. It makes them feel appreciated. When your employees know they have easy access to safe drinking water, they will be much more likely to develop healthier habits. And, healthy employees are happy employees.

PureLux H2O is a California-based water filter company whose main concern is helping California residents get access to purified drinking water. To learn more about our home and office water filtration system options, just give us a call at 818-570-8130!

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