How Filtered Water Lowers Our Carbon Footprint
January 10, 2022Home Water Filtration System
One of the greatest hallmarks of modern civilization is having clean water delivered through municipal water supply systems to our homes. However, “clean water” doesn’t necessarily mean safe-to-drink water. Keep in mind that there’s not a universal definition of “safe” drinking water. The EPA defines drinking water in California as “safe” when humans can drink it with a low risk of immediate or long-term harm to their health. Here at PureLux H2O, low-risk is just not good enough for us. Our mission is to help Southern California residents get clean chemical-free water with the right home water filtration system for them. Let’s get into more detail on the benefits of installing one in your home and why not the office as well.
#1. Reduce Potential Plumbing Issues
The chemicals, heavy metals, and minerals in water can cause corrosion and damage to pipes and all the appliances that use water. With a proper water filtration system, you are eliminating these potentially damaging factors at the source. In conclusion, you extending the life of all your water-using appliances and pipes.
#2. Prevent Skin Irritation
If you or anyone from your family has sensitive skin, chances are that the current water is worsening the issue. Skin irritations and other conditions such as eczema are reported to occur more frequently from exposure to chemicals in water such as chlorine. A home water filtration system would help plus, there’s nothing like the feeling of pure, clean water when taking a shower or even enjoying a nice hot tub.
#3. Save on Soap & Enjoy Cleaner Clothes
Harder water tends to diminish the effectiveness of soap. Keep in mind that California water is considered hard to very hard (samples measure between 100 and 300 PPM). Not only will your appliances not suffer from the buildup of mineral deposits but your clothes and dishes will be cleaner than ever.
#4. Improve the Taste of Your Drinking Water
Water is one of the main ingredients for all hot beverages such as tea and coffee. Filtered water, naturally tastes better, thus you can expect better-tasting hot cups in the morning. The same goes for cooking and any recipe that calls for water. If you want to enjoy the clean, crisp taste of pure water every time you open your tap, a water filtration system is something to consider.
#5. Save Money with a Home Water Filtration System
If you don’t have a water filtration system but want to drink good quality water, you’re probably buying bottled water. Just think about the expenses that add up – let’s say that an average family drinks about 2 or 3 bottles a day, these could easily exceed $500 yearly. An initial investment in a filtration system doesn’t sound bad and comes with all the previous benefits and also one more…
#6. Help Preserve Our Environment
As a green water filter company, we at PureLux H2O, encourage everyone to minimize their plastic use and carbon footprint. Not only do we not plastic but you won’t have to use as much if you get a filtration system.
Contact Us for Your Home Water Filtration System Needs!
If you have any questions about our products or want to learn more about the benefits of home water filtration systems, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 818-570-8130!